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Curriculum Enrichment Opportunities

At Wordsworth Primary School and Nursery, we work hard to ensure that there are many curriculum enrichment opportunities to bring learning to life for our children, developing lifelong learners. During their time here, the children will experience a range of trips and visits within Shirley, Southampton and Hampshire, and they will travel as far as Dorset and London. In addition to this, we invite visitors to our school to bring the curriculum to life. For example, in Year 2 the children experience the Florence Nightingale Outreach Workshop and in Year 3 the children experience ‘Portals to the Past – The Stone Age’.

Residential Trips

Our children have the opportunity to participate in two residential school trips during their time at Wordsworth. In Year 4 the children visit Home Farm for a two-night stay and in Year 6 the children visit Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Activity Centre for a four-night stay.

Home Farm – Year 4 Residential


Author Visit - Yarrow Townsend

During the Summer term Year 5 and 6 were fascinated by a visit from the new author Yarrow Townsend, who told us all about her life and how her experiences gave her inspiration for her stories. They felt really inspired to write their own adventure stories. 

Side note - she told us her mum came to Wordsworth when it was an infant school! 

Sports Events

In addition to Sports Day, each year, children participate in the Hamwic JEP Schools Sports event held at Upper Shirley High with children from other Hamwic schools. They participate in several activities such as shuttle runs, hurdles and hand hockey.


Bringing Learning to Life

Year R had some sneaky visitors in their classrooms, and they were caught on CCTV. This inspired them to make their own Gingerbread People.


Year 6 study the Romans in History. They made their own Legionary shields.
They enjoyed practising making different formations with shields, just like the Roman army!